October 17, 2015

Research - Contemporary plaits


This is a contemporary image I found that includes plaits and I think it is very Elizabethan looking when considering the shape and texture of the hair. 
According to the source the hair was tightly braided in small sections and then this was pinned in a criss-cross pattern over the head. I like how this isn't ridiculously neat too and there are flyaway hairs over top, giving more of a likeness to Elizabethan through frizz. 

I looked at these further and found another which was tightly braided and he texture it gives is really interesting and definitely along the lines of Elizabethan.
More-so than a lot of other styles of braiding I have seen, I think even through this is through braiding the hair the texture is similar and mimics that of Elizabethan hair as well as the shape created. However the hair in the portraits is actually curled and not plaited at the front but I still think it looks similar.


[1] EAMES. J., 2011. Bright red hairstyle [digital image] [viewed 30th nov 2015]Available from: https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/rbi-communities/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2013/07/2011-bright-red.jpg

[2]  O'TOOLE .A., 2012. Braids wrapped round head [digital image] [viewed 30th nov 2015] Available from: https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/rbi-communities/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2013/07/2012-braids-wrapped-round-head-womens-hairstyle.jpg

[3] GHEERAERTS .M., c.1580-85. Queen Elizabeth I [digital image] [viewed 3th nov 2015] Available from: http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/elizagheeraerts2.jpg

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