November 05, 2015

Jill Eliana Haley

Jill Eliana Haley is a make-up and wig artist/ technician I found when researching for inspirational images.
She specialises in wig building for stage and film including lace fronts and custom built foundations and she also works as a freelance makeup artist.

On her website she has a project based on the Elizabethan era and this was really interesting to look at because its really similar to what we've been doing. I like the fact that I've found something that relates what we're learning on the course and in this project to future careers and the outside world.

You can see her research images at the top of the page and then she goes on to show how she's created a wig and styles it in two different ways to show two types of Elizabethan character, the noble woman with blocked out hairline and the bedtime/night look.

I enjoyed looking at the images she's included of the styling process of the wig as well and how she's achieved the look. Although we are not doing wig work at the moment I loved seeing this.

Link to her page -

HALEY. J.E., date unknown. Elizabethan era [online] [viewed on 5th nov 2015] Available from:

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